Monthly Archives: August 2010

New Territory!

I have stepped into new territory, in more ways than one.  I am gardening in the desert AND I am blogging about it.  I have been resistant to both activities for far too long!

Let me explain… I have had gardens in many of the places I have lived.  These have all been places where you start looking at seed catalogs in January, sometimes earlier, and then start planning your garden before the snow melts.  As soon the the snow melts, you start turning the soil, preparing the earth.  Here, in the desert, it has been quite a challenge for me to wrap my brain around doing this same process when it is 110 plus degrees outside.  It just doesn’t make seasonal sense.

My resistance to blogging has been the perceived lack of human one-to-one contact.  There were two things that change this perspective:  1. Listening to Seth Godin speak about the importance of tribes in one of his TED Talks; and 2. wanting to share my experiences with desert gardening with more people than just those I see on a day-to-day basis.

So, here I go with both of these endeavors!